Before this new CouchDB / Sinatra version of EEE Cooks is ready to replace the legacy rails site, there are a few more features that need to be completed:
- draft meals and recipes
- alternate preparations for recipes
- obsolete recipes (replaced by newer recipes)
- mini-calendar for the homepage
I write the feature from the perspective of the cookbook. I considered writing it from the perspective of a web user, but why would a user care about draft vs. published recipes? Someone reading a cookbook does not care how the recipes got there, just that the recipes that they see are of a certain quality. I am not building an author interface—I will likely do that in a separate application another day. So, it seemed proper to anthropomorphize the cookbook, making it care about the quality control:
Feature: Draft vs. Published Meals and RecipesThe first scenario deals with how the cookbook hides draft recipes from the user:
As a cookbook dedicated to quality
So that I can present only the best meals and recipes
I want to hide drafts
Scenario: Navigating between recipesI can get those three
Given "Recipe #1", published on 2009-08-01
And "Recipe #2", drafted on 2009-08-05
And "Recipe #3", published on 2009-08-10
And "Recipe #4", drafted on 2009-08-20
When I show "Recipe #1"
Then there should be no link to "Recipe #2"
When I am asked for the next recipe
Then "Recipe #3" should be shown
And there should be no next link
And there should be a link to "Recipe #1"
steps defined in one place:Given /^"([^\"]*)", (\w+) on ([-\d]+)$/ do |title, status, date_str|Each Given step has a title, a status, and a date in exactly the same place in the Given string. Cucumber RegExp support comes in quite handy here. The recipe creation is very similar to other recipe step definitions that I have done. The only reason that I needed a new step definition at all was the
date = Date.parse(date_str)
recipe_permalink = date.to_s + "-" + title.downcase.gsub(/[#\W]+/, '-')
recipe = {
:title => title,
:date => date,
:summary => "#{title} summary",
:instructions => "#{title} instructions",
:published => status == 'published',
:type => "Recipe"
RestClient.put "#{@@db}/#{recipe_permalink}",
:content_type => 'application/json'
attribute. That survived the import from the legacy Rails application, but is doing nothing in the application just yet.The first step towards using the
attribute is to probe what happens when the cookbook displays the first recipe:When /^I show "Recipe #1"$/ doI opt not to use the template generated by Cucumber for this step, which would have read:
When /^I show "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1|The title alone (the stuff that would have been between the quotes) is not sufficient for determining the URL of the recipe. I could alter the feature text to read:
When I show "Recipe #1" from 2009-08-01But then I would be duplicating the date in both the Given and When steps only to support the Cucumber steps. I loathe the idea of sacrificing the readability of the feature text just to support step definitions.
With the When step out of the way, I define my first Then step—that there should be no link to the draft recipe—as:
Then /^there should be no link to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |title|This step fails:
response.should_not have_selector("a", :content => title)
cstrom@jaynestown:~/repos/eee-code$ cucumber features/draft_recipes.feature:7This signals to me that I need to work my way into the code—draft recipes are still being shown. But...
Sinatra::Test is deprecated; use Rack::Test instead.
Feature: Draft vs. Published Meals and Recipes
As a cookbook dedicated to quality
So that I can present only the best meals and recipes
I want to hide drafts
Scenario: Navigating between recipes # features/draft_recipes.feature:7
Given "Recipe #1", published on 2009-08-01 # features/step_definitions/draft.rb:1
And "Recipe #2", drafted on 2009-08-05 # features/step_definitions/draft.rb:1
And "Recipe #3", published on 2009-08-10 # features/step_definitions/draft.rb:1
And "Recipe #4", drafted on 2009-08-20 # features/step_definitions/draft.rb:1
When I show "Recipe #1" # features/step_definitions/draft.rb:22
Then there should be no link to "Recipe #2" # features/step_definitions/draft.rb:26
expected following output to omit a <a>Recipe #2</a>:
<div class="navigation">
<a href="/recipes/2009-08-05-recipe-2">Recipe #2 (August 5, 2009)</a>
features/draft_recipes.feature:13:in `Then there should be no link to "Recipe #2"'
When I am asked for the next recipe # features/draft_recipes.feature:14
Then "Recipe #3" should be shown # features/draft_recipes.feature:15
And there should be no next link # features/draft_recipes.feature:16
And there should be a link to "Recipe #1" # features/draft_recipes.feature:17
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/draft_recipes.feature:7 # Scenario: Navigating between recipes
1 scenario (1 failed)
10 steps (1 failed, 4 undefined, 5 passed)
The links between recipes (like intra-meal links) are being built by a helper method that, in turn, uses the results of a CouchDB view. The by-date map function that I am currently using:
function (doc) {All I need to do is add to the conditional in there:
if (doc['type'] == 'Recipe') {
emit(doc['date'], {'id':doc['_id'],'title':doc['title'],'date':doc['date']});
function (doc) {I am using my couch_docs gem in a
if (doc['type'] == 'Recipe' && doc['published'] == true) {
emit(doc['date'], {'id':doc['_id'],'title':doc['title'],'date':doc['date']});
block to assemble and load those design docs before each Cucumber run. So all I have to is re-run the scenario:
Cool, that should be all of the actual work required for this scenario. The remaining step definitions are all one liners:
When /^I am asked for the next recipe$/ doWith that, the scenario is complete:
click_link "Recipe #"
Then /^"([^\"]*)" should be shown$/ do |title|
response.should have_selector("h1", :content => title)
Then /^there should be no next link$/ do
response.should_not have_selector("a", :content => "Recipe #4")
Then /^there should be a link to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |title|
response.should have_selector("a", :content => title)

A previous scenario does end up failing because of the new published restriction. After addressing that (by publishing the recipes in the Given step), I have 36 completed scenarios:
cstrom@jaynestown:~/repos/eee-code$ cucumber features -i(commit)
36 scenarios (7 undefined, 29 passed)
308 steps (17 skipped, 36 undefined, 255 passed)
Tomorrow, I hope to complete the published vs. draft feature. It ought to be straight forward to get this working for both recipe searching and meal navigation.
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