Over the last few days, I have more or less gotten Dart's awesome unit testing working with a Backbone.js application. Thanks to the magic of Dart's js-interop, I have a real test running against the Funky Calendar from Recipes with Backbone. And after last night, I have setup and teardown working. For my latest feat of insanity (and I mean that, there's no real reason to do this) I will attempt testing the creation of appointments in the Backbone.js calendar.
If there is a deficiency to testing Dart applications, it is the inability to stub HTTP requests. Although this makes unit testing tougher, it has the advantage of forcing developers into a more full-stack frame of mind. Towards that end, I have a “real fake” test server (plummbur-kruk) backing my REST-like Backbone application in test. In the test setup, I am already creating a calendar appointment for the current month:
document.head.append(new BaseElement()..href = Kruk.SERVER_ROOT);;
el = document.body.append(new Element.html('<div id=calendar>'));
var doc = '''
"title": "Get Funky",
"description": "asdf",
"startDate": "${fifteenth}"
return Future.wait([
Kruk.alias('/widgets', as: '/appointments')
With that setup in place, can start my Backbone application and eventually check my expectation that the appointment on the 15th of the month is included in the app:expect(cell.text, matches("Get Funky"));Tonight, I would like add a new test that clicks on particular date, enters appointment information, clicks the save button, and finally verifies that the appointment is now included on the calendar.
I start with the usual Backbone test thing (though with a Dart js-interop twist) by creating an instance of the Backbone application and ensuring that Backbone history is running properly:
test("can create new appointments", (){
new js.Proxy(js.context.Cal, query('#calendar'));
// ...
Next, I find the table cell that contains the 14th of the month and click on it: test("can create new appointments", (){
// ...
var cell = queryAll('td').
where((el)=> el.id == fourteenth).
// ...
This should result in a popup dialog with a few appointment fields. I fill in those appointment values next: test("can create new appointments", (){
// ...
value = 'Test Appointment'
value = 'asdf';
// ...
Finally, I click the OK button in the popup: test("can create new appointments", (){
// ...
// ...
With that, I should be able to check my expectation that the fourteenth of the month now contains an appointment created in my test (after a brief wait for all of the Backbone events to propagate): test("can create new appointments", (){
// ...
new Timer(
new Duration(milliseconds: 10),
expect(cell.text, matches("Test Appointment"));
But, for some reason, that fails:FAIL: the initial view can create new appointments Expected: match 'Test Appointment' Actual: '14'All that is in the table cell for the 14th is the day of the month. If I remove the teardown step to see the status of the (un-styled) popup dialog, I find that everything seems to have worked except for the clicking of the button:

And oddly enough, if I use jQuery (which is available to me via js-interop), I am able to click the button:
js.context.jQuery('.ui-dialog-buttonset button').click();
Which results in a successful test:PASS: the initial view can create new appointmentsI am at a loss to explain why the click event in jQuery works, but it does not work from Dart. Perhaps there is an additional event property that is being added by jQuery? I have a working test, but would very much like to have the test in pure Dart (or at least have a idea why that won't work). So I will likely use that as an excuse to continue investigation tomorrow…
Day #882
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