Sunday, January 26, 2014

Holy Cow: Binding Angular to Polymer Take 2

I really hoped to finish writing the SVG chapter in Patterns in Polymer last night. As it turns out, AngularJS had other ideas. Like not working at all like I expected.

Last night's question was how can I bind an AngularJS application so that it has access to data inside a Polymer? I have already done this in the Dart versions of both libraries, so I thought this would be an easy question to answer in the JavaScript equivalents. Thanks to angular_node_bind in Dart, I could use square brackets to establish two-way binding between Polymer and Angular:
<h3>Oooh! Let's make beautiful pizza together</h3>
<pre>{{ pizza }}</pre>
  <x-pizza pizzaState="[[ pizza ]]"></x-pizza>
That did not work in JavaScript. I note that there was a long discussion on the subject some time ago—and the syntax for Dart's angular_node_bind seems to have been at least partially inspired from that post. But, if there a JavaScript equivalent out there, my Google-fu fails me.

I next tried to write my own directive to accomplish this. Even if it is not a generalized solution (and I still suspect there is already one out there somewhere), this should not be too difficult, right? I write the JavaScript version as:
<h3>Oooh! Let's make beautiful pizza together</h3>
<pre ng-bind="state"></pre>
  <x-pizza polymer-directive state="state"></x-pizza>
The state variable in both cases can be two-way bound if that polymer-directive scopes the attribute with =:
var pizzaStoreApp = angular.module('pizzaStoreApp', [ /* Angular modules here... */ ]).
directive('polymerDirective', function($interval) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: { state: '=' },
    // ...
That should make an attribute directive (“A”) that binds the value of state in the local scope with the value of the same name in the parent scope. From there, I can establish a simple watch on the state attribute from the <x-pizza> Polymer:
directive('polymerDirective', function($interval) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: { state: '=' },
    link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
        function() { // The value being watched..
          return element.attr('state');
        function(value) { // What to do when the value changes ...
          scope.state = value;
But darn it, that does not work. The <x-pizza> Polymer is correctly updating the value of the state attribute, but Angular is not acknowledging the change:

It turns out that Angular is not calling the $digest event loop, and so the $watch is never being evaluated. If I add an <input ng-model>—even one that is not tied to a model used anywhere else—then typing in that input field will invoke $digest, which, in turn, calls my $watch:

So my ultimate solution is to set an interval in my digest. By default, $interval will evaluate the digest loop, so the interval function does not need to do anything:
directive('polymerDirective', function($interval) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: { state: '=' },
    link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
        function() {
          return element.attr('state');
        function(value) {
          scope.state = value;

And that seems to do the trick:

But is that the best way to do this?

Day #1,008


  1. Don't know if you've thought of it, but another way Polymer and Angular can talk to each other is through events. You probably have though, and if it's like D-Bus you want to reduce your use of events otherwise you get a sluggish app.

    1. I thought about that, and I'm pretty sure it would work, but... it just doesn't feel like the Angular way. I suppose that doesn't make that much of a difference for a book named Patterns in Polymer, but still :-\

    2. Yeah I can understand that. Also, after posting my last comment, I actually realised, in Dart at least, I think Observable uses events anyway.
