Having played a bit with meals, I got to wondering what would happen with the recipe couchdb-lucene index if meals were added to the DB. Rather than wonder about it, I'm going to prove it:
Scenario: Searching recipes with meals and other things in the DBMost of these steps are already implemented, but the meal and "About this site" steps are not. They can be defined as:
Given 5 "Yummy" recipes
And 1 "Yummy" meal
And 1 "About this site" document with the word "Yummy" in it
And a 0.5 second wait to allow the search index to be updated
When I search for "yummy"
Then I should see 5 results
Given /^(\d+) "([^\"]*)" meals?$/ do |count, keyword|Running the scenario generates a big old ball of fail, as expected. Nothing is preventing these new documents from being added to the couchdb-lucene index, but I do not want them in there. I only want to search recipes.
date = Date.new(2008, 5, 12)
(1..count.to_i).each do |i|
permalink = "id-#{date.to_s}"
meal = {
:title => "#{keyword} meal #{i}",
:date => date + i,
:serves => i,
:summary => "#{keyword} summary",
:description => "#{keyword} description"
RestClient.put "#{@@db}/#{permalink}",
:content_type => 'application/json'
Given /^1 "([^\"]*)" document with the word "([^\"]*)" in it$/ do |arg1, arg2|
permalink = "id-#{arg1.gsub(/\W/, '-')}"
doc = {
:title => arg1,
:content => arg2
RestClient.put "#{@@db}/#{permalink}",
:content_type => 'application/json'
A simple conditional in the indexing javascipt function will do the trick:
if (doc['preparations']) {The conditional exploits the lack of a
attribute in any document other than recipes. Effectively, I index a document only if it quack likes a recipe.With that, I have my new scenario completely passing:
cstrom@jaynestown:~/repos/eee-code$ cucumber -n features \Before committing, some older scenarios needed adjustment to ensure that simple recipe documents that they were creating also quacked like a recipe.
-s "Searching recipes with meals and other things in the DB"
Feature: Search for recipes
So that I can find one recipe among many
As a web user
I want to be able search recipes
Scenario: Searching recipes with meals and other things in the DB
Given 5 "Yummy" recipes
And 1 "Yummy" meal
And 1 "About this site" document with the word "Yummy" in it
And a 0.5 second wait to allow the search index to be updated
When I search for "yummy"
Then I should see 5 results
1 scenario
6 passed steps
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