The first view that I need to create renders the list of meals for a given year. We tend to have a lot of meals in a year, so this list is a simple unordered list.
In the view specification,
example, two meals suffice to create a list:before(:each) doThe two examples that describe the list are:
assigns[:meals] = @meal =
'title' => 'Meal 1',
'_id' => '2009-05-14'
'title' => 'Meal 2',
'_id' => '2009-05-14'
it "should display a list of meals" doThe Haml code that makes these examples pass is:
response.should have_selector("ul li", :count => 2)
it "should link to meals" do
response.should have_selector("li a", :content => "Meal 1")
%ulOne view down...
- @meal.each do |meal|
%a{:href => "/meals/#{meal['_id']}"}= meal['title']
The other view that I need to create is a corresponding CouchDB view. I need to map each document to the year in which it was prepared, pointing to the meal ID and title (enough information to hyperlink to the meal). Additionally, a simple reduction pointing to the meal ID and title will allow me to group recipes by the year. The view that I want is:
{The date is an ISO 8601 string (YYYY first), which is the reason for the
"views": {
"by_year": {
"map": "function (doc) { emit(doc['date'].substring(0, 4), [doc['_id'], doc['title']]); }",
"reduce": "function(keys, values, rereduce) { return values; }"
"language": "javascript"
call on it.With that in place, and some non-trivial reworking of the views to match the actual data structure from the map-reduce rather than what I had guessed it would be, I can work my way back out to the Cucumber scenario to define how the next two steps behave—on the 2009 meals page, the 2009 recipe should be included, but not the 2008 recipe:
Then /^the "([^\"]*)" meal should be included in the list$/ do |title|All that is left is to verify that clicking through to the 2008 meals works:
response.should have_selector("li a", :content => title)
Then /^the "([^\"]*)" meal should not be included in the list$/ do |title|
response.should_not have_selector("a", :content => title)
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