Up today I start revisiting styling of Polymer elements. Styling custom elements was one of the first tasks that I undertook when I started on Patterns in Polymer. Recent changes in both Polymer and Chrome have rendered that work invalid—to the point that I had to pull the chapter from the book.
I am aware of various CSS selectors that have been added recently to help with this, but tonight I would like to see if I can get my Polymer elements styled the same as similar elements elsewhere on the page. For example, I have been including Bootstrap CSS on the page:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="assets/bootstrap.min.css"> <script src="bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script> <link rel="import" href="elements/x-pizza.html"> </head> <body> <h1>JavaScript Pizza Builder</h1> <x-pizza></x-pizza> </body> </html>Which would then apply to things within my custom elements by virtue of a now-deprecated
setting in the backing class of the Polymer element:Polymer('x-pizza', { applyAuthorStyles: true, // ... }This would result in standard elements within my custom element having the same look and feel as elements contained on the page:

Now that Chrome no longer supports this (and it has been removed from Polymer), things like buttons and drop down lists are no longer styled:

I could style them inside the element, but for standard elements like this, I have no desire to chose a style. The site using the element should have control—and it should not have to be aware of any specialized selectors. If I, as a site author, want my buttons to have an orange, dashed border then even buttons inside Polymer elements that I want to use should have orange, dashed borders:
<style>button { border: 3px dashed orange; } </style>In regular Polymer styling, non-specialized selectors need to go inside the template that will be inside the element's shadow DOM. That is, this would need to be inside the element's
tag:<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> <polymer-element name="x-pizza"> <template> <style> button { border: 3px dashed orange; } </style> <!-- Actual HTML definition here... --> </template> <script src="x_pizza.js"></script> </polymer-element>My hope is that I can do something similar for external stylesheets. If Boostrap is used on the containing site with a URL of
, then hopefully pulling that stylesheet into the Polymer element's template will style the drop-downs and buttons in the same Bootstrap style:<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> <script src="../bower_components/snap.svg/dist/snap.svg.js"></script> <polymer-element name="x-pizza"> <template> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/bootstrap.min.css"> <!-- Actual HTML definition here... --> </template> <script src="x_pizza.js"></script> </polymer-element>And indeed that does the trick:

Of course, a custom Polymer element with an external CSS hard-coded like that is pretty useless. If I wanted to dynamically copy CSS from the main site, I might add it in the
life-cycle method of the Polymer element:Polymer('x-pizza', { // ... attached: function() { var link = this.shadowRoot.ownerDocument.createElement('link'); link.type = 'text/css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = '/assets/bootstrap.min.css'; this.shadowRoot.appendChild(link); this.updatePizzaState(); }, // ... });That does not work however. The
tag is added to the shadow root, but the styles that are contained in the linked CSS are not applied. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to get the styling shim to apply to linked CSS. The documentation describes
which has functionality similar to what I need, but ShadowCSS
does not appear to be a property on Platform
(version 0.3.2). Stuck, I call it a night here. Hopefully some more digging tomorrow will uncover the proper method to make this happen. And if I am really lucky, I hope to find a way to work around all of this.
Day #91
You could have a look at this
It may hold an answer to what you seek, as it seems similar to what you're doing. Then it may not.