Testing in Internet Explorer is a low priority for me. It always seems to be more effort than it is worth, given its dwindling market share. Still, I recognize that there is value and that some folks need it. So, even if I will not run automated tests for the code in Patterns in Polymer, I would like to be able to tell people that it does work.
Except that I was unable to get karma-webdriver-launcher to launch IE tests against Polymer last night. I suspect that the problems lie with WebDriver, so tonight, I try karma-ie-launcher instead.
First, I copy the code and tests onto my Windows VM. In there I add karma-ie-launcher to the list of NPM package.json dependencies:
{ "name": "plain_old_forms", "devDependencies": { "grunt": "~0.4.0", "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.0", "karma-jasmine": "~0.2.0", "karma-ie-launcher": ">0.0" } }After an
npm install
, I try to start Karma:C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>karma start --single-run --browsers IE 'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.OK, so I install it globally:
C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>npm install -g karma npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@0.3.1 > ws@0.4.32 install C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\karma\node_modules\socket.io\node_modules\socket.io-client\node_modules\ws > (node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log) || (exit 0) C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\karma\node_modules\socket.io\node_modules\socket.io-client\node_modules\ws>node "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild karma@0.12.28 C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\karma ├── ...With that, when I try Karma now, I get:
C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>karma start --single-run --browsers IE 'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.Sigh. It looks like I need the full path instead:
C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>node node_modules\karma\bin\karma start --single-run --browsers IE INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.28 server started at http://localhost:9876/ INFO [launcher]: Starting browser IE WARN [watcher]: Pattern "C:/Users/IEUser/plain_old_forms/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js" does not match any file. WARN [watcher]: Pattern "C:/Users/IEUser/plain_old_forms/bower_components/**" does not match any file. INFO [IE 11.0.0 (Windows 7)]: Connected on socket _0g9fTtXw2PJOCjb5b2y with id 98303942 IE 11.0.0 (Windows 7) <x-pizza> element content has a shadow DOM FAILED ReferenceError: 'Polymer' is undefined at waitForPolymer (C:/Users/IEUser/plain_old_forms/test/PolymerSetup.js:19:5) at Anonymous function (C:/Users/IEUser/plain_old_forms/test/PolymerSetup.js:29:3) ... IE 11.0.0 (Windows 7): Executed 3 of 3 (3 FAILED) ERROR (0.047 secs / 0.038 secs)Oops! I neglected to
bower install
my client-side dependencies (this time I globally install from the start):C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>npm install -g bower C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\bower -> C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bower\bin\bower bower@1.3.12 C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bower └── ...That does get installed in a useful location and it works… to a point:
C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>bower install bower polymer#* ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATHSo it seems that I need Git installed to work with Polymer on Windows. This is already more trouble than it is worth to me, but I must see it through. I install Git the usual way and accept all of the default options but one:

This will allow bower to access Git when running from the command prompt:
C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>bower install ... a-form-input#0.0.1 bower_components\a-form-input └── polymer#0.5.2 polymer#0.5.2 bower_components\polymer ├── core-component-page#0.5.2 └── webcomponentsjs#0.5.2 core-component-page#0.5.2 bower_components\core-component-page ├── polymer#0.5.2 └── webcomponentsjs#0.5.2 webcomponentsjs#0.5.2 bower_components\webcomponentsjsYay!
Now, when I karma, I find:
C:\Users\IEUser\plain_old_forms>node node_modules\karma\bin\karma start --single-run --browsers IE INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.28 server started at http://localhost:9876/ INFO [launcher]: Starting browser IE INFO [IE 11.0.0 (Windows 7)]: Connected on socket qNf8JVIEqjDNilL7AQFH with id 9528228 IE 11.0.0 (Windows 7) <x-pizza> properties updates value when internal state changes FAILED TypeError: Unable to get property 'firstHalfToppings' of undefined or null reference at Anonymous function (C:/Users/IEUser/plain_old_forms/test/XPizzaSpec.js:29:7) IE 11.0.0 (Windows 7) <x-pizza> syncing <input> values updates the input FAILED TypeError: Unable to get property 'firstHalfToppings' of undefined or null reference at Anonymous function (C:/Users/IEUser/plain_old_forms/test/XPizzaSpec.js:42:7) TypeError: Unable to get property 'value' of undefined or null reference at Anonymous function (C:/Users/IEUser/plain_old_forms/test/XPizzaSpec.js:47:7) IE 11.0.0 (Windows 7): Executed 3 of 3 (2 FAILED) (0.453 secs / 0.444 secs)Dang it! Those are the same errors that I saw yesterday with WebDriver. So it seems that this is a problem with IE and Polymer rather than WebDriver. The failure is occurring when the test adds a topping to the first half of the pizza being built by the
Polymer element: describe('properties', function(){
it('updates value when internal state changes', function(done) {
This works in Chrome and Firefox, but it seems that I need a different approach in Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, the web developer tools are still broken in my install so this is going to be tricky to troubleshoot.Day #36
When I've seen errors like this elsewhere it has been because of a line ending assumption in the code... or git's tendency to be "helpful" and change the line endings of a file you just cloned.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'll keep that in mind. I'm not sure that's my immediate problem (I still think it's IE), but I'll probably run into Git woes before long...
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