I am quickly warming to the idea of using Protractor for testing my Polymer elements. As of last night, I have some very nice tests.
They work well in Chrome:
$ protractor --verbose --browser=chrome Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub [launcher] Running 1 instances of WebDriver <x-pizza> has a shadow DOM - pass updates value when internal state changes - pass syncs <input> values - pass Finished in 1.397 seconds 3 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures [launcher] 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running [launcher] chrome #1 passedThey even run well in Firefox:
$ protractor --verbose --browser=firefox Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub [launcher] Running 1 instances of WebDriver <x-pizza> has a shadow DOM - pass updates value when internal state changes - pass syncs <input> values - pass Finished in 2.183 seconds 3 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures [launcher] 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running [launcher] firefox #1 passedI will probably regret this, but what about Internet Explorer?
There is a nicely done post on getting Protractor working on Windows, but there are a crazy number of steps in there. I opt for the post's alternative #1 and install via Node.js. I do this in my VirtualBox VM for IE10.
I install Node the usual way then run
npm install -g protractor
to install it and the webdriver-manager globally:
When I try to run
webdriver-manager start --seleniumPort=4410
however, I find that I do not have Java installed:
So it seems that I cannot skip all of the steps from that post. No matter, I install Java the usual way. I accept the defaults and enable any networking for which I am prompted:

With that, I have WebDriver running in my Windows VM.
Back in my Linux system that runs the actual tests, I change the configuration to point to the Windows webdriver instance:
exports.config = { //seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4410/wd/hub', capabilities: { 'browserName': 'internet explorer', 'platform': 'ANY', 'version': '10' }, specs: ['tests/XPizzaSpec.js'], onPrepare: function() { require('./tests/polymerBrowser.js'); require('./tests/xPizzaComponent.js'); } }Ah, but that will not work without port forward. In the network setting of my VM, I click the port forwarding button:

In the resulting dialog, I tell VirtualBox to forward requests to my Linux box's port 4410 to the same TCP port in my Windows VM:

Even that does not quite work as my Windows VM cannot access the server that hosts my Polymer element. Bleh.
I work around this by rewriting my test to request the hostname of my Linux machine (instead of localhost):
describe('<x-pizza>', function(){ beforeEach(function(){ // browser.get('http://localhost:8000'); browser.get('http://serenity.local:8000'); }); // Tests here... });That gets Protractor on my Linux box talking successfully to WebDriver on the Windows VM. I can even see it interacting with my
Polymer element:
But try as I might, I cannot get it to query the document for values against which to run my assertions:
$ protractor --verbose Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4410/wd/hub [launcher] Running 1 instances of WebDriver A Jasmine spec timed out. Resetting the WebDriver Control Flow. The last active task was: WebDriver.findElements(By.cssSelector("input[type=hidden]")) at [object Object].webdriver.WebDriver.schedule (/home/chris/local/node-v0.10.20/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/w ebdriver/webdriver.js:345:15) at [object Object].webdriver.WebDriver.findElements (/home/chris/local/node-v0.10.20/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/l ib/webdriver/webdriver.js:934:17) ... <x-pizza> syncs <input> values - fail Failures: 1) <x-pizza> syncs <input> values Message: timeout: timed out after 30000 msec waiting for spec to complete Stacktrace: undefined Finished in 32.849 seconds 1 test, 1 assertion, 1 failureI cannot figure out why this is timing out. I can run assertions against some text values, but cannot get properties of elements on the page—Polymer or regular elements. While the test is timing out, I can even pop open the Developer Tools' console on IE and verify that it can query the value for which it is testing:

But, for some as yet unknown reason, I cannot get my local Protractor to successfully run this same query.
I really hate debugging code on IE so I may just punt on this. Or I could try a simpler test case to attempt to isolate the problem. Or maybe, if I am feeling industrious tomorrow, I will install all of this on a VM with IE11 instead of 10. But I'd have to be feeling pretty industrious to go through all of this again.
Day #31
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