I left off last night pondering how to make Sinatra helpers available to Haml view specs. I tried digging into how
works in Sinatra, but was unable to discern a way to put any of it to use.My ultimate solution is to break out my helper methods into a file named
:module EeeRequiring that file and then mixing it in inside the Sinatra
module Helpers
def hours(minutes)
h = minutes.to_i / 60
m = minutes.to_i % 60
h > 0 ? "#{h} hours" : "#{m} minutes"
block gets me back to where I was last night:require 'helpers'In order to make the helper methods available to my view specs, I configure
helpers do
include Eee::Helpers
to include the helper module:Spec::Runner.configure do |config|Finally, I change the default scope of the Haml rendering from a vanilla
config.include Webrat::Matchers, :type => :views
config.include Eee::Helpers
to self
:def render(template_path)Binding the render call to self (instances of
template = File.read("./#{template_path.sub(/^\//, '')}")
engine = Haml::Engine.new(template)
@response = engine.render(self, assigns_for_template)
sub-classes) gives the Haml engine an object that defines the helper methods (because they were included in the configuration block).With those changes, I have all of my views specs passing, including displaying 5 hours instead of 300 minutes:
cstrom@jaynestown:~/repos/eee-code$ ruby ./spec/views/recipe.haml_spec.rb -cfs(commit)
- should display the recipe's title
recipe.haml a recipe with no ingredient preparations
- should not render an ingredient preparations
recipe.haml a recipe with 1 egg
- should render ingredient names
- should render ingredient quantities
- should not render a brand
recipe.haml a recipe with 1 cup of all-purpose, unbleached flour
- should include the measurement unit
- should include the specific kind of ingredient
- should read conversationally, with the ingredient kind before the name
recipe.haml a recipe with 1 12 ounce bag of Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chips
- should include the ingredient brand
- should note the brand parenthetically after the name
recipe.haml a recipe with an active and inactive preparation time
- should include preparation time
- should include inactive time
recipe.haml a recipe with no inactive preparation time
- should not include inactive time
recipe.haml a recipe with 300 minutes of inactive time
- should display 5 hours of Inactive Time
Finished in 0.063692 seconds
14 examples, 0 failures
I may want to simply stub my helper method calls inside my view specs and test my helper methods independently of my views. Something to decide another day.