I am very close to marking off another item on my couch_docs 1.1 TODO list:
Better command line experience.Should default to current directory.Should print help without args / better format
- Should use the bulk docs
- Should support the !json and !code macros from couchapp
- Should support a flag to only work on design docs (mostly for export).
Should create the DB if it doesn't already exist
The command line interface to the couch-docs command should accept a
switch to exclusively dump design documents:cstrom@whitefall:~/repos/couch_docs$ ./bin/couch-docs -hI would like that switch to tell the
Usage: couch-docs push|dump [OPTIONS] couchdb_url [target_dir]
If a target_dir is not specified, the current working directory will be used.
Push options:
-R, --destructive Drop the couchdb_uri (if it exists) and create a new database
-b, --bulk [BATCH_SIZE=1000] Use bulk insert when pushing new documents
Dump options:
-d, --design Only dump design documents
-D, --data Only dump data documents
Common options:
-v, --version Show version
-h, --help Show this message
method to dump only design documents. In such a case, the regular document directory object should not be told to store any documents. In RSpec form:it "should not dump regular docs when asked for only design docs" doThat fails with a bad arity message because
and_return([{'foo' => 'bar'}])
CouchDocs.dump("uri", "fixtures", :design)
only accepts 2 arguments:1)I am in the change-the-message part of the change-the-message-or-make-it-pass cycle. I add a third, optional argument to
ArgumentError in 'CouchDocs dumping CouchDB documents to a directory should not dump regular docs when asked for only design docs'
wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)
./spec/couch_docs_spec.rb:99:in `dump'
and the message is now:1)Now, I can make the spec pass by using a null directory object in the presence of the
Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'CouchDocs dumping CouchDB documents to a directory should not dump regular docs when asked for only design docs'
Mock "Document Directory" expected :store_document with ({"foo"=>"bar"}) 0 times, but received it once
flag:def self.dump(db_uri, dir, only=nil)I do something similar in the presence of a
null_dir = OpenStruct.new(:store_document => nil)
doc_dir = (only == :design) ?
null_dir : DocumentDirectory.new(dir)
design_dir = DesignDirectory.new(dir)
store = Store.new(db_uri)
store.map.each do |doc|
(doc['_id'] =~ /^_design/ ? design_dir : doc_dir).
symbol. The nice thing about this approach is that when the optional third argument is nil
, the method continues to behave as before (and my specs confirm this).After BDD'ing the command line and I am ready to test things out for real. I change to a "dump" sub-directory of my "tmp" directory, make sure that nothing is there, then use the couch-docs command to dump the design documents:
cstrom@whitefall:~/tmp/dump$ lsYay!
cstrom@whitefall:~/tmp/dump$ couch-docs dump http://localhost:5984/test -d
cstrom@whitefall:~/tmp/dump$ find
I also try this out on my development database but experience two problems: the dump of the couchapp design document is not working and it takes forever. I will investigate those two issues tomorrow.
Day #31
This is interesting. Keep up the good work. I'm currently writing one in node.js too, that grabs all design documents and then pumps them into files so I can keep a backup copy of them (after running them through uglify's beautifier).