Monday, June 11, 2012

Procedural Spheres in Gladius

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Having discovered (that is, been told) that Gladius does not yet support CubicVR.js primitives, I set out last night to generate a sphere procedurally. I got as far as making a circle:

To build that, I work around 24 slices of 2π radians / 360°, calculating the X-Y position with sines and cosines. I then build a face from two slices and the origin (0, 0, 0):
  for (var j=1; j<=24; j++) {
    points[j] = [
      Math.cos(M_TWO_PI * j/24),
      Math.sin(M_TWO_PI * j/24),
    if (j > 1) {
      faces[j-1] = [0, j, j-1];
To make a sphere, I need to do something with the Z coordinate instead of always setting it to zero. As I move from pole (0, 0, -1) to pole (0, 0, 1), I also need to make sure that the X and Y coordinates get close to the origin. This can again be accomplished with simple sines and cosines along with the introduction of another loop:
  var index = 0;
  for (var i=0; i<12; i++) {
    for (var j=1; j<24; j++) {
      index = index +1;
      points[index] = [
        Math.sin(Math.PI * i/12) * Math.cos(M_TWO_PI * j/24),
        Math.sin(Math.PI * i/12) * Math.sin(M_TWO_PI * j/24),
        Math.cos(Math.PI * i/12)
      if (index > 0) {
        faces[index-1] = [0, index, index-1];
With that, I have a sphere. Well, almost:

The mesh is still comprised of "faces" that start at the center of the sphere and include two points on the outside of the sphere. If I disable the wireframing, then I see that I have no outside faces. Rather I have a spiral inside the sphere:

Building the faces actually turns out to be a bit of pain. I had expected to build square faces all the way around. But something in the UV mapper only saw faces with three corners. I eventually give in and, for each square, I assemble two faces:
  for (var i=0; i<12; i++) {
    for (var j=0; j<24; j++) {
        Math.sin(Math.PI * i/12) * Math.cos(M_TWO_PI * j/24),
        Math.sin(Math.PI * i/12) * Math.sin(M_TWO_PI * j/24),
        Math.cos(Math.PI * i/12)
      if (points.length > 25) {
        var idx = points.length-1;
With that, I get my sphere:

That was a pain. Especially needing to build that up by triangles. I may need to spend some time another day to figure out why that was needed.

Day #414

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